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Member spotlight


Hi! My name is nomadic and I’m from New Mexico, USA (or as everyone says, "That place where the TV show 'Breaking Bad' took place").

I’ve been using Vivaldi since 2019 on Windows and Android.

My top 5 Vivaldi features are:

  • Custom UI Modifications
  • Configurable Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Menu Customization
  • Toolbar Customization
  • Sharable Themes with Icon Sets

What I love about Vivaldi Community is that the Vivaldi Community is great at helping new users configure and customize the browser to fit their needs. Even when all it takes is pointing out one of Vivaldi’s numerous great features!

Interesting fact about me: People use the idiom, “this isn’t my first rodeo,” but I have technically been in two rodeos, so I can say, “this isn’t my second rodeo”. 🤠

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Tip of the day

Tip #478

Show off your personality and what your blog is about with a custom header image.

Vivaldia Game

Play the new Vivaldia game

Vivaldia 2 is now available to play for free on our website and on Steam.

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Latest from the team

Vivaldi boosts performance with Memory Saver and auto-detects feeds with its Feed Reader

Vivaldi now reduces memory usage by automatically hibernating inactive tabs, auto-detects more feeds with its Feed Reader on websites like Reddit and GitHub, allows creating Workspaces out of tab selections with a right-click, includes a window split-view for apps on Mac, and more.

Swimming with the President of Iceland: President Guðni dives into the Vivaldi office

Find out what President Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson and his wife First Lady Eliza Jean Reid have in common with our Software Engineer Geir Gunnarson and why it involves the ocean.

Women in tech are here to stay

Every year we celebrate Women's Day by sharing stories about the women whose tech journey is somehow bound to Vivaldi. Get to know some of our female Ambassadors!

Featured Community blog posts

Haiku a modern implementation of Be-OS

Now it runs on my backup PC - This post was written on Haiku ~ Yes you heard that right, I wrote this post on an operating system known as "Haiku." You may be wondering what Haiku looks like, so I have provided a…

22 hours ago

By enadasa

How to Write a Good Report

I have written a lot of reports in my time in education. I now mark reports. Writing a report is a really easy way to gain or lose marks within education. In this article I share advice for any students writing their…

22 hours ago

By lonm

How many words?

Could it be possiblethat every rhyme has been rhymed,every combination of words writtenand we are simply copying anotherbut at a different moment in time?Could it be possiblethat nothing is newor has the change in our…

1 day ago

By Nighttime Recuerdos

Latest videos

Save Memory Automatically | Vivaldi Browser
Auto-Detect Feeds | Vivaldi Browser
Custom Start Page Wallpapers | Vivaldi on Android

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